Call recording file


https:// voiptech.pri / admin/?menu=monitoring&action=download&id=xxxx&rawmode=yes

https:// voiptech.pri /API/admin/?menu=monitoring&action=download&

This API allows you to perform the following operations:

  1. Get recording file link
  2. Play the recorded file (streaming)
  3. Download the recorded file

Option to send request:

  1. GET
  2. POST

Response format (Response parameter must set to yes):

  1. Text/HTML (default)
  2. Play/Download file

Available parameters

Demand Description Parameter
Mandatory Action type
Available parameters: download ,erase ,suspend
Mandatory Call Identifier (Unique ID) id
Optional Download the file in RAW mode rawmode

If no recorded file exist with the call ID the response message will be – file not found

An open session with the PBX is mandatory i.e you must be logged in to the PBX management system, If not the response message will be – error: Your session has expired

In this case you must log in or send with the request also the below using POST

key:input_user                   value:XXXX

key:input_pass                   value:XXXX


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